Fee structure 2024

Fleming Early Learning Centre fee structure 2024
School fees are payable on a Termly basis at the beginning of every school term (3 Terms), a Monthly basis at the beginning of every month (January to October), or an Annual basis (on or before 31 January).
A R4 000 non-refundable Enrolment Fee is payable on acceptance of a place at the school,
We also require a once off levy of R2500 payable at the beginning of the First Term which includes the payment of a subscription levy, per pupil, to the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA), plus educational performances and entertainment.
We ask parents to note the following:
- Financial Contract: We need a firm commitment from parents to pay school fees and to give a FULL TERM’S NOTICE (or fees in lieu of notice) when a child is leaving the school. Please complete the Financial Contract and return to us.
- A 5% discount will be offered for annual fees paid in full on or before 31 January 2024.
- This discount does not apply to the once off levy payable in January.
- We have also introduced a sibling discount to assist families with more than one child at Fleming:
- 2nd child: 3% discount
- 3rd child: 5% discount
- Please notify the school accountant in writing should you wish to apply for this benefit.
Fees are payable as follows
Admission Fee: R900
Tuition only (Mornings to 12:30)
Children joining in Term 1
Annual fee per child | Annual fee (less 5%) | Termly fee | Monthly fee (over 10 months January to October) |
R74 622 | R70 891 | R24 874 | R7 462 |
Children joining in Term 2
Total fee for two terms | Termly fee | Monthly fee (over 6 months May to |
R49 748 | R24 874 | R8291.33 |
Children joining in Term 3
Total fee for one term | Term fee | Monthly fee (over 3 months |
R24 874 | R24 874 | R8291.33 |
Allnew children
Holiday club
When paying by EFT, please use your child’s name and surname as a reference.
The school’s banking details are as follows:
Standard Bank, Hyde Park
Branch (006605)
Current Account number: 022259414

Fleming Pre-Primary fee structure 2024
A R4 000 non-refundable Enrolment Fee is payable on acceptance of a place at the school.
We also require a once off levy of R3 200 payable at the beginning of the First Term which includes the payment of a subscription levy, per pupil, to the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA), plus educational performances and entertainment, hearing tests and eye tests, etc.
We ask parents to note the following:
- Financial Contract: We need a firm commitment from parents to pay school fees and to give a FULL TERM’S NOTICE (or fees in lieu of notice) when a child is leaving the school. Please complete the Financial Contract and return to us.
- A 5% discount will be offered for annual fees paid in full on or before 31 January 2024.
- This discount does not apply to the once off levy payable in January.
- We have also introduced a sibling discount to assist families with more than one child at Fleming:
- 2nd child: 3% discount
- 3rd child: 5% discount
- Please notify the school accountant in writing should you wish to apply for this benefit.
Fees are payable as follows
Admission Fee: R900
Tuition only (Mornings to 12:30)
Children joining in Term 1
Annual fee per child | Annual fee (less 5%) | Termly fee | Monthly fee (over 10 months January to October) |
R79 040 | R75 088 | R26 347 | R7 904 |
Children joining in Term 2
Total fee for two terms | Termly fee | Monthly fee (over 6 months May to October) |
R52 694 | R26 347 | R8782.33 |
Children joining in Term 3
Total term fee for one term | Term fee | Monthly fee (over 3 months |
R26 347 | R26 347 | R8782.33 |
Aftercare: R1 050 per month.
Lunch/Supervision until 1.30: R75.
Lunch/Supervision and Aftercare until 2.30: R120.
Monthly Lunch/Supervision and Aftercare until 2.30 (R80 per day) R1 700.
New children
Stationary: R550.
Holiday club
When paying by EFT, please use your child’s name and surname as a reference.
The school’s banking details are as follows:
Standard Bank, Hyde Park
Branch (006605)
Current Account number: 022259414