Parental Involvement

Welcoming Grandparents and special person tea | 1st Term |
Parents feedback afternoons | 1st Term (Ususally) |
Parent welcome evenings | 1st Term |
Parent Talk | 1st Term |
Family Fun Day | 2nd Term |
Storytelling Evening | 2nd Term |
Spring Day and Grandparents tea | 3rd Term |
Family Christmas Picnic | 3rd Term |
Add in Fleming PrePrimary and Early Learning Centre concerts | 3rd Term |
Add in Mother’s Lunch | 3rd Term |
Parental Backing and Co-operation
A positive relationship between a child’s teacher, school and home is in their best interests. Parents can play a vital role by:
- Giving your child the security of a set routine e.g. early bedtime.
- Disciplining your child in a firm, fair and consistent way.
- Insisting on good manners always.
- Insisting on socially acceptable behaviour e.g. bullying or hurting other children (physically or emotionally) is unacceptable.
- Teaching responsibility for one’s own and others’ possessions.
- Encouraging independence and perseverance in completing tasks and learning new ones.
- Expecting your child to help with chores at home.
- Inviting class friends home on a regular basis. Being socially accepted by his/her peers and learning to interact well, plays a vital role in developing a strong, positive self- image.
- Providing a secure, stimulating home with plenty of parent/child conversation.
- Communicating well with his/her teacher on any problems that may arise and demonstrating parental support for the teacher.
- Teaching respect for adult authority at home AND at school.
- Teaching respect for people of other races and cultures to allow our children to live harmoniously in our multicultural society.

Parent / Teacher Relationships
We value good relationships with our parents as this is in the best interests of the child. If you do have a concern, please discuss this with the class teacher or the principal first. The relationships formed between the parent, child and the school are vital when it comes to the building of the child’s self-esteem and contributing to their sense of belonging.
Welcome to the Fleming Family! We look forward to going on this Fleming journey with you!